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Malik Opal Mobile application enables registered users to submit transfer/rollover requests.

Application Features:

Secure Authentication:
The application allows registered users to log in with two-factor authentication. Once logged in successfully, users can enable fingerprint/face detection from the application settings.

Change Password:
Check out the last menu icon to change the password.

View Capital:
Users can see their total capital.

Closing Requests:
The application allows users to submit requests such as withdrawal, transfer/rollover, and all rollover on the closing date.

Capital History:
Check this module to view all records of capital history since the account was created.

Payment History:
Check this feature to view all the history of transfer/rollover requests.

Received Amount:
To view the overall summary of all the submitted requests since the account was created, check this section.

Closing Payment:
You can submit requests (transfer/rollover) using this module.

Bi-monthly Ratio:
The application also shows a bi-monthly profit on the closing date.

Image Gallery:
View the visual interior of our different offices.

Update Profile:
You can update personal details from this section.

Update Bank Details:
To update bank details, check this module.

Last Amount Deposit:
To check the last amount submitted, check this section.
View Personal Profile

You can view personal details in this section.
App Setting

Select light or dark mode from the application settings and enable/disable the glowing design.